CityPlace Burlington
Developers. Designers. Vermonters.
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We’ve built a team of dedicated, professional Vermonters, with decades of experience in our community. Our shared ownership, responsibility and accountability means we all have a stake in the success of this project, and the fulfillment of a vision we’ve shared for years with residents and community leaders. We are all eager to begin building CityPlace Burlington, and join with the community to participate in the progress of this long-awaited dream.

Don Sinex
Owner, Managing Director
Devonwood Investors
A Vermont Company
Founded in 1997
A Vermont lover and resident for more than 22 years, Don is an experienced real estate executive with more than 40 years of experience. He envisioned this project in 2013 as the outdated Burlington Town Center mall was failing to meet the needs of our growing City.
- Capital Partner, CityPlace Burlington
- Led the development team that acquired the original CityPlace project, successfully managed all re-zoning, entitlement and predevelopment work
- Experienced real estate executive with more than 40 years of experience.
- BS, University of Delaware; MBA, Harvard; JL, University of Miami
- Acquired and developed more than $7 billion of real estate assets
- Former shareholder, real estate executive and managing director of JMB Realty Corporation, NYC

Scott Ireland
Owner & CEO
S.D. Ireland
A Vermont Company
Founded in 1974
Scott grew up in Burlington, he is a graduate of Bryant University in Rhode Island. Scott and his wife Kim’s foundation at UVM Medical Center has raised $4.5 million to fund cancer research. Ireland, an avid Boston Red Sox fan, built the SD Ireland Field at Calahan Park in the city’s South End.
- Capital Partner, CityPlace Burlington
- Concrete, excavation and foundation contractor
- BS, Bryant University in Rhode Island
- Largest ready mix and precast concrete contractor in Vermont
- Developed, owns and manages over 600 apartment units in Vermont

Dave Farrington
Owner & CEO
Farrington Construction
Shelburne, Vermont
Founded in 1977
Dave is a native Vermonter, born in Burlington. He serves on the board of the UVM Medical Center Foundation. In addition to working on multiple projects with Scott and Al over the years, he and Scott have sons the same age, and coached Little League together. He is a passionate golfer and Vermont history buff.
- Capital Partner, CityPlace Burlington
- BS, University of Vermont
- Vermont licensed general contractor and construction management firm
- Clients include City of Burlington, State of Vermont, University of Vermont, University of Vermont Medical Center, Champlain College
- Develops, owns and manages office, multifamily and industrial properties in Burlington

Al Senecal
Owner & CEO
Omega Electric
A Vermont Company
Founded in 1967
Al has made Vermont his home since 1990. He was born and grew up in Shrewsbury, and went to school in Worcester, Massachusetts. Al is also a sports fan, he owns Essex Family Fun Entertainment, which features seasonal batting cages, a driving range and a mini golf course.
- Capital Partner, CityPlace Burlington
- Degree from Worcester Vocational Tech School
- Master Electrician with electrical construction projects throughout Vermont and neighboring States since the 1980s
- Owns an excavation company and a property company which develops, owns and manages retail, office, industrial and multifamily properties

William Fellows
Senior Project Manager, Principal Architect
Devonwood Investors
William is responsible for managing and overseeing all aspects of the design and construction of CityPlace Burlington, and he has been key in conceptualizing solutions to the challenge of sustainably developing our City Center to meet the community’s need for responsible growth. A principal at PKSB in New York for over 20 years, he now lives in Burlington with his wife and amazing rescue dog Bella.
- Senior Project Manager, CityPlace Burlington
- BS, Brown University
- MS Architecture, Columbia
- Practicing architect for over 25 years
- Designed world-renowned projects, including Father Duffy’s Square in Times Square, NYC and the Vietnam Veterans memorial in lower Manhattan
- Commissions include schools, parks, infrastructure projects, office buildings, luxury homes and mixed-use projects in the Northeast

Matt Young
Ascent Consulting, LLC
Matt lives here in Vermont and has been a resident for more than 13 years. His multi-disciplinary skill set and passion for project management has been a valuable asset to the CityPlace Project.
- Project Manager and Director of Construction Costs Control, CityPlace Burlington
- Construction cost estimator with over 34 years of commercial construction experience
- Provides estimating, design management and project management for project owners
- Pioneered efforts of BIM implementation in Northern New England since 2005
- 28 years of working with “at risk” national and regionally sized CM-GC firms
- Focuses on multi-family residential, mixed use, resort/hospitality and healthcare projects
Don Sinex Devonwood Investors
Scott Ireland S.D. Ireland
Dave Farrington Farrington Construction
Al Senecal Omega Electric
William Fellows Senior Project Manager
Matt Young Project Manager
Sonya Enright Director of Operations
Architect Freeman French Freeman
Civil Engineer Engineering Ventures
Structural HVAC Plumbing RFS Engineering
Environmental ATC
Landscape SE Group